I remember owning my first Michael Kors handbag in high school, it was the most I had ever spent on a bag and I was very proud of it to say the least. I chose the signature monogram tote that never really went out of style and I wore it literally ALL the time. After that I went on to get the travel tote in camel, the Emry one in pink and my personal favorite the Hamilton in a saffiano red. If you’re a fan of the brand then you know exactly what these signature bags look like. I admire how Michael Kors truly embodies affordable luxury, with very high quality bags that can withstand the test of time and still look great and maintain their shape even after years of use. But my love for the brand didn’t stop there, throughout the years I’ve went on to own their watches,shoes, glasses and jewelry that can give any outfit that jet-set chic vibe.
So you can imagine my excitement , when I was named the Michael Kors Ambassador in Lebanon this year. And to kick things off, I hosted a Mother’s Day brunch at their flagship store last in downtown Beirut last week. It was a floral affair, with Spring in the air and blooms making a big appearance.
We had a florist with us who arranged gorgeous bouquets for the lovely guests and VIP Clients who joined us while we nibbled on treats and previewed the latest SS17 collection. The Exclusive Mother’s Day Collection also made its debut, in cream and orange versions cross shoulder bags with floral appliqués.
This season’s collection featured my current favorites lots of backpacks, nano bags, and crossbody bags in an array of shapes and sizes. I curated my current must-haves in a corner and had so much fun helping a lot of my guests chose the bag which fit their style and personality the most.
I’ll be sharing with you a lot of my current favorite bags on Instagram throughout the year, so don’t forget to follow me there if you want to keep up with what’s new and how to style it.
Thanks to all my lovely friends and blog readers who showed up with their moms, it was such a pleasure to catch up and meet a lot of you and of course, one more time, Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful mammas out there, especially mine!
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