There are two types of people in the world; the people who talk about making it happen and the people who actually make it happen. That’s Roula Nahas for you, the beauty and brains behind paRs, an inspirational (by-order only) line of charms that carry a series of empowering words you can keep next to your heart at all times: Dream, Faith, Love, Believe, Blessed, Success and Love, all towards one powerful underlying message; “Make it Happen”
And Roula sure did last weekend by throwing the brand’s advocates a delightful and intimate paRs-themed Champagne Brunch that was nothing short of fabulous. Guests indulged in a sugar feast by Vanilla Bean while we each rocked our favorite personalized paRs charms, mine being “Believe” in yellow gold surrounded by semi-precious stones. We also each got to go home with our own little chocolate jars designed as replicas of the charms. If you haven’t gotten your charm yet you can order it to anywhere in the world by getting in touch with the paRs through it’s Facebook page here.
A Bare Truth (@Abaretruth) says
Kudos for Roula for shifting careers. I am liking her designs.
Randa Hobeiche says
Love the words Ivy with which u described simply but directly Roula’s essence. Yes to further success and achievements.
Lawrence says
Bravo Roula! Your actions in this artistic developmental framework, as well as, inspirational proverbs and notation has a very delicate sinsitivity, that we all can relate too.
It seems to me; you have become (if I may say so) a decorative “Adélaïde Labille-Guiard” pastry chef , and, a “Louise Bourgeois” fashionista. Once again, I say to you: I love your imagination…thank you.
Tala says
Love itt